Everything about ChatGPT


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has become an invaluable tool across various domains, offering a wide range of applications from everyday tasks to specialized professional functions. Whether you’re just getting started with ChatGPT or looking to refine your use, this guide covers essential topics that will enhance your understanding and utilization of this powerful AI tool.

We’ll explore everything about ChatGPT, from its core functionalities to the diverse 50 uses that can benefit both individuals and businesses. You’ll learn the best techniques for prompting to get the most accurate and useful responses, and discover effective reasoning strategies that can improve your interactions with the AI.

For those looking to capitalize on this technology, we’ll delve into how you can use ChatGPT to make money, highlighting opportunities in various industries. Additionally, you’ll find out what file formats ChatGPT can generate and the different types of code it can produce, making it a versatile tool for developers and content creators alike.

Finally, for those eager to dive deeper into AI, we’ll point you towards the best resources on where to learn AI for free, ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.

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50 uses of ChatGPT

Content Creation

Use ChatGPT to generate blog posts, articles, or social media content with ease, saving time and effort.

Customer Support

Implement ChatGPT as a chatbot on your website to handle customer inquiries and support requests 24/7.

Language Translation

Translate text between multiple languages quickly and accurately using ChatGPT’s language capabilities.

Email Drafting

Write professional and well-structured emails, whether for business communication or personal correspondence.

Code Assistance

Get help with writing, debugging, and understanding code in various programming languages.

SEO Optimization

Generate keyword-rich content, meta descriptions, and SEO-friendly titles for your website.

Social Media Management

Craft engaging social media posts and captions tailored to different platforms and audiences.

Learning and Education

Use ChatGPT as a tutor to explain complex topics, answer questions, and provide study resources.

Market Research

Summarize industry reports, analyze trends, and generate insights to inform business decisions.

Brainstorming Ideas

Generate ideas for projects, products, business names, and more with ChatGPT’s creative input.

Script Writing

Develop scripts for videos, podcasts, or presentations with ChatGPT’s narrative and dialogue suggestions.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Create professional resumes and cover letters that highlight your skills and experience effectively.

Virtual Assistant

Use ChatGPT as a virtual assistant to manage tasks like scheduling, reminders, and note-taking.

Data Analysis

Analyze and summarize data sets, providing insights and interpretations for better decision-making.

E-commerce Product Descriptions

Write compelling product descriptions that highlight features and benefits to increase sales.

Event Planning

Get assistance in planning events, including generating checklists, timelines, and guest communication.

Research Summaries

Summarize lengthy research papers or articles into concise and easy-to-understand overviews.

Interview Preparation

Prepare for job interviews with ChatGPT by practicing common questions and receiving feedback.

Creative Writing

Generate story ideas, character development, and plot twists for novels, short stories, or screenplays.

Recipe Creation

Get recipe ideas based on available ingredients or dietary preferences.

Financial Planning

Receive basic financial advice, budgeting tips, and investment suggestions.

Travel Planning

Plan your next vacation with customized itineraries, hotel recommendations, and local tips.

Legal Document Drafting

Draft simple legal documents such as contracts, agreements, and terms of service.

Health and Wellness Advice

Get general wellness tips, exercise routines, and dietary advice tailored to your needs.

Language Learning

Practice a new language by engaging in conversation and receiving feedback on grammar and vocabulary.

Speech Writing

Write speeches for events, presentations, or public speaking engagements.

News Summarization

Get daily news briefings with summaries of the most important global and local events.

Product Recommendations

Receive personalized recommendations for products based on your preferences and needs.

Poetry Composition

Create poems on any theme, with a variety of styles and structures.

Personal Diary

Maintain a digital journal by dictating your thoughts and experiences to ChatGPT.

Podcast Ideas

Generate topics, scripts, and guest ideas for your podcast.

Presentation Design

Outline and structure presentations, including slide content and talking points.

Branding Suggestions

Develop brand names, slogans, and messaging that resonate with your target audience.

Crisis Management

Receive guidance on handling public relations crises with carefully crafted statements.

Gaming Assistance

Get tips, strategies, and walkthroughs for video games.

Daily Affirmations

Create personalized affirmations and positive messages to boost your daily motivation.

Virtual Shopping Assistant

Use ChatGPT to compare products, find deals, and make online shopping easier.

Memory Aid

Keep track of important information, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or work deadlines.

Survey Design

Develop surveys and questionnaires for market research or customer feedback.


Create engaging and informative newsletters for your subscribers.

Resume Feedback

Get instant feedback and suggestions for improving your resume.

Creative Advertising Copy

Write catchy and effective ad copy for various marketing campaigns.

Lesson Planning

Design lesson plans and educational materials for teachers and educators.

Video Script Editing

Polish and refine video scripts to improve clarity, pacing, and engagement.

Meme Creation

Generate ideas and text for memes that resonate with specific audiences.

Personalized Learning Paths

Create customized learning schedules and resources based on individual goals.

Parental Advice

Receive parenting tips and strategies for different age groups and situations.

Local Business Promotion

Write promotional content for local businesses, including flyers, ads, and web copy.

Wedding Planning

Assist with planning weddings, from venue selection to guest communication.

Mental Health Support

Provide supportive conversations, coping strategies, and mindfulness exercises.

Best technique for prompting in ChatGPT

Be Specific with Your Request

Ask precise questions or provide specific tasks. For example, instead of asking “How do I improve my website?” you could say, “What are five ways to improve the SEO of a small e-commerce website?”

Specific prompts help the AI understand exactly what you need, reducing ambiguity and improving the relevance of the response.

Provide Context

Give background information or set the scene. For instance, if you’re seeking marketing advice, include details about your business, target audience, and current strategies.

Context helps ChatGPT tailor its response to your unique situation, making the advice more applicable and practical.

Use Clear Language

Write your prompt in clear, concise language. Avoid jargon or overly complex sentences unless necessary.

Clear language ensures that the AI interprets your request correctly, leading to more accurate responses.

Break Down Complex Requests

If you have a complex question, break it into smaller parts. For example, instead of asking, “How do I start a business and grow it?” you could ask, “What are the first steps to starting a small online business?” followed by, “What strategies can I use to grow this business in the first year?”

Breaking down questions helps the AI tackle each part effectively, resulting in more thorough and manageable answers.

Experiment with Iterative Prompts

Start with a broad question and refine it based on the initial response. For example, if you ask, “What is digital marketing?” and the answer is too general, you could follow up with, “Can you explain digital marketing strategies specifically for B2B companies?”

Iterative prompting allows you to drill down into details, refining the output to meet your needs precisely.

Leverage Examples

Provide examples if you want the AI to follow a specific format or style. For instance, “Write a product description for a new tech gadget, similar to how Apple describes its products.”

Examples help the AI understand the tone, structure, or content style you prefer.

Set Parameters and Preferences

Specify any particular constraints or preferences, such as word count, tone, or format. For example, “Explain blockchain technology in under 100 words suitable for beginners.”

Setting parameters ensures the output aligns with your requirements, whether it’s for length, complexity, or style.

Request Clarifications

If the response isn’t clear or detailed enough, ask for clarification or further explanation. For example, “Can you explain that last point in more detail?”

Asking for clarification helps refine the output, ensuring you get the most useful information.

Use Open-Ended Prompts When Appropriate

For creative or exploratory tasks, use open-ended prompts like, “What are some innovative marketing strategies for 2024?”

Open-ended prompts encourage broader and more creative responses, which can be useful for brainstorming or exploring new ideas.

By following these techniques, you can craft prompts that guide ChatGPT to produce more accurate, relevant, and useful responses, whether you’re using it for business advice, creative writing, or any other purpose.

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Reasoning strategies for ChatGPT

When interacting with ChatGPT, employing effective reasoning strategies can enhance the quality and relevance of the responses. Here are some key reasoning strategies to use:

Socratic Questioning

Description: Ask a series of open-ended, probing questions to explore a topic deeply. This method involves challenging assumptions, clarifying concepts, and examining consequences.

“Why is that approach effective?”
“What evidence supports this claim?”
“What are the potential downsides of this solution?”

Benefit: This strategy encourages ChatGPT to think more critically, leading to more thoughtful and nuanced responses.

Hypothetical Scenarios

Description: Present hypothetical situations to explore possibilities or test the implications of an idea or decision.

“What would happen if a small business doubled its marketing budget?”
“How might a company respond if a major competitor launches a similar product?”

Benefit: This approach helps in exploring different outcomes and understanding the broader impact of decisions.

Devil’s Advocate

Description: Challenge the response by asking ChatGPT to argue against its initial answer or consider the opposite viewpoint.

“What is a strong counterargument to this perspective?”
“What might someone who disagrees with this approach say?”

Benefit: This strategy helps to identify potential flaws in reasoning and provides a balanced view by considering alternative perspectives.

Break Down Complex Problems

Description: Divide a complicated issue into smaller, more manageable parts, and address each part separately.

“Let’s first identify the key challenges in launching a new product. What are the primary concerns?”
“Now, what strategies can we use to overcome each of these challenges?”

Benefit: Breaking down problems helps ChatGPT provide more detailed and focused responses, making complex issues easier to tackle.

Analogical Reasoning

Description: Use analogies or comparisons to relate the topic to something more familiar or understandable.

“How is managing a business like coaching a sports team?”
“Can you compare the growth of social media platforms to the spread of a popular trend?”

Benefit: Analogies help clarify abstract concepts by relating them to familiar ideas, making them easier to comprehend.

Cause-and-Effect Analysis

Description: Explore the causal relationships between events or actions by asking about causes, effects, and dependencies.

“What might be the consequences of increasing prices by 20%?”
“How does customer satisfaction impact long-term business growth?”

Benefit: This strategy helps in understanding the implications of actions and decisions, providing insight into potential outcomes.


Description: Ask ChatGPT to prioritize options, actions, or considerations based on certain criteria like impact, cost, or urgency.

“Which marketing strategies should we prioritize for the highest return on investment?”
“What are the most critical steps to take in the first 30 days of launching a startup?”

Benefit: Prioritization helps in focusing on the most important tasks or options, ensuring effective decision-making.

Pros and Cons Analysis

Description: Request a balanced analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular decision, idea, or strategy.

“What are the pros and cons of adopting a remote work policy?”
“Can you list the benefits and drawbacks of using influencer marketing?”

Benefit: This strategy provides a well-rounded view, helping in making informed decisions by weighing different aspects.

Step-by-Step Problem Solving

Description: Ask ChatGPT to outline the steps needed to solve a problem or complete a task in a logical sequence.

“What are the steps to create a successful content marketing plan?”
“Can you guide me through the process of setting up an e-commerce store?”

Benefit: Step-by-step guidance ensures that each part of the process is addressed systematically, reducing the likelihood of errors or oversights.

Decision Trees

Description: Use decision trees or flowcharts to explore different paths based on choices or conditions, asking ChatGPT to map out potential outcomes.

“If we choose to expand into a new market, what are the possible scenarios we should consider?”
“How do different marketing channels perform under various budget constraints?”

Benefit: Decision trees help in visualizing complex decision-making processes, making it easier to evaluate different options.

Reflective Thinking

Description: Encourage reflection on a given response by asking ChatGPT to reconsider or reevaluate its previous answer.

“Is there anything in your initial response that could be improved or reconsidered?”
“After reviewing, what could be an alternative approach?”

Benefit: This approach fosters deeper analysis and often leads to more refined and thoughtful responses.

Empathy and Perspective-Taking

Description: Ask ChatGPT to consider the issue from another person’s perspective or to imagine the impact on different stakeholders.

“How would a customer feel about this policy change?”
“What might be the concerns of the employees if we implement this strategy?”

Benefit: Empathy and perspective-taking provide insights into how different groups might react, helping to create more inclusive and considerate solutions.
Using these reasoning strategies, you can guide ChatGPT to deliver more insightful, balanced, and well-reasoned responses, enhancing the value of the interaction.

ChatGPT Content

How can I use ChatGPT to make money?

There are several ways you can leverage ChatGPT to generate income, depending on your skills, interests, and business model. Here’s a list of potential ways to monetize ChatGPT:

Freelance Writing and Content Creation

Description: Use ChatGPT to assist in writing articles, blog posts, social media content, and newsletters for clients. You can offer content creation services on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or directly to businesses.

How to Start: Create a portfolio showcasing content generated with ChatGPT. Market your services to businesses, bloggers, or content agencies.

Social Media Management

Description: Offer social media management services, using ChatGPT to create posts, captions, and engagement strategies. This can help businesses maintain a consistent online presence without dedicating extensive resources.

How to Start: Use ChatGPT to craft social media calendars and post templates. Reach out to small businesses or individuals who need help with social media.

SEO and Copywriting Services

Description: Provide SEO services by using ChatGPT to generate keyword-rich content, meta descriptions, and ad copy. High-quality content is essential for businesses looking to improve their search engine rankings.

How to Start: Develop a basic understanding of SEO. Use ChatGPT to optimize web content and offer these services to businesses, especially those with an online presence.

Creating and Selling Digital Products

Description: Develop digital products like e-books, online courses, or templates using ChatGPT. These can cover topics you’re knowledgeable about or areas where there is market demand.

How to Start: Use ChatGPT to generate content for an e-book or course, format it, and sell it on platforms like Amazon, Gumroad, or your own website.

Virtual Assistant Services

Description: Offer virtual assistant services, where ChatGPT can assist with tasks such as email drafting, scheduling, and customer service responses.

How to Start: Advertise your virtual assistant services on freelancing platforms or by contacting businesses directly. Use ChatGPT to increase efficiency and handle multiple clients.

Consulting and Coaching

Description: Use ChatGPT to provide insights and advice in areas like business development, marketing strategies, or personal finance. You can sell this as consulting services or create content to support your coaching programs.

How to Start: Establish your expertise in a particular area. Use ChatGPT to generate materials for coaching sessions, such as action plans or educational content.

Creating Niche Websites

Description: Build niche websites that focus on specific topics or industries. Use ChatGPT to generate high-quality content for the site, driving traffic that can be monetized through ads, affiliate marketing, or selling products.

How to Start: Identify a profitable niche, create a website, and consistently post content generated by ChatGPT. Monetize through Google AdSense, affiliate programs, or selling digital products.

Affiliate Marketing

Description: Use ChatGPT to create content that promotes affiliate products. This could include blog posts, product reviews, or social media posts that contain affiliate links.

How to Start: Sign up for affiliate programs relevant to your niche. Use ChatGPT to write persuasive content that encourages purchases through your affiliate links.

Writing and Selling E-Books

Description: Write e-books on popular or niche topics using ChatGPT, then sell them on platforms like Amazon Kindle or your own website.

How to Start: Identify a topic with market demand, use ChatGPT to generate content, and format it into an e-book. Market and sell the e-book online.

Developing Chatbots for Businesses

Description: Build and customize chatbots for businesses using ChatGPT to handle customer inquiries, provide support, and assist with sales.

How to Start: Learn how to integrate ChatGPT into chatbot frameworks. Offer your chatbot development services to businesses looking to improve customer interaction on their websites.

Custom Content for Online Courses

Description: Develop and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Use ChatGPT to generate course content, such as lessons, quizzes, and study guides.

How to Start: Choose a subject you’re knowledgeable about, use ChatGPT to create course materials, and list your course on popular e-learning platforms.

Transcription and Summarization Services

Description: Offer transcription or summarization services for meetings, webinars, or podcasts. ChatGPT can help transcribe and summarize content quickly.

How to Start: Market your transcription services on freelancing platforms or directly to businesses that need regular transcription work.

Blogging with Monetization

Description: Start a blog on a topic you’re passionate about, and use ChatGPT to generate regular content. Monetize through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

How to Start: Launch a blog, consistently post high-quality content, and apply for ad networks or affiliate programs.

Website and Landing Page Copywriting

Description: Create compelling website copy, landing pages, and sales funnels for businesses using ChatGPT. Good copy is essential for converting visitors into customers.

How to Start: Build a portfolio showcasing your copywriting skills. Offer your services to businesses looking to improve their website or launch new products.

Freelance Translation Services

Description: Use ChatGPT to assist with translating documents, websites, or content between different languages, providing translation services to clients.

How to Start: Advertise your translation services on freelance platforms, emphasizing your ability to handle various languages with the help of AI.

Developing Apps or Tools

Description: Create apps or tools that leverage ChatGPT for specific purposes, like content generation, language learning, or customer support.

How to Start: Collaborate with developers to create an app or tool using ChatGPT’s capabilities. Sell the app or offer it as a subscription service.

Offering Research and Analysis Services

Description: Use ChatGPT to conduct market research, summarize reports, or analyze data for businesses or individuals needing in-depth insights.

How to Start: Offer research services to companies, using ChatGPT to handle the data collection and analysis portions of the work.

Crafting Personalized Learning Plans

Description: Design customized learning plans for students or professionals, using ChatGPT to generate study materials, quizzes, and learning paths.

How to Start: Promote your services to students, parents, or professionals looking to enhance their skills or knowledge in a particular field.

Speechwriting and Presentation Development

Description: Offer speechwriting services for events, conferences, or public speaking engagements. Use ChatGPT to draft speeches and develop presentation content.

How to Start: Build a portfolio of speeches or presentations you’ve created. Market your services to professionals and organizations.

Creating Subscription-Based Newsletters

Description: Start a subscription-based newsletter focused on a niche topic. Use ChatGPT to generate high-quality content that keeps subscribers engaged.

How to Start: Choose a niche, build a subscriber base, and use platforms like Substack or Patreon to offer premium content for a subscription fee.

By applying these strategies, you can effectively utilize ChatGPT to create a steady stream of income, either by offering services directly to clients or by creating and selling products and content.

What file formats can ChatGPT generate?

ChatGPT can generate text-based content that can be easily formatted into various file types. However, the model itself doesn’t directly output files; it provides the text content that can then be saved in the desired format using an appropriate tool or application. Here are the common file formats you can create based on ChatGPT’s text outputs:

Plain Text (.txt)

A basic format that contains unformatted text. You can copy the text generated by ChatGPT and paste it into any text editor like Notepad, then save it as a .txt file.

Markdown (.md)

A lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor. You can generate content in Markdown syntax with headings, lists, links, and more, and save it as a .md file.

Rich Text Format (.rtf)

A text format that supports basic formatting like bold, italics, and different fonts. You can paste the text into a word processor like Microsoft Word or Google Docs and save it as an .rtf file.

Microsoft Word Document (.docx)

A widely used document format that supports extensive formatting, images, tables, and other rich content. You can paste the text into Word and save it as a .docx file.

Portable Document Format (.pdf)

A format that preserves document formatting and is universally readable on any device. You can generate text, paste it into a word processor or PDF editor, and save/export it as a .pdf file.

Hypertext Markup Language (.html)

The standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. ChatGPT can generate HTML code, which can then be saved as an .html file.

Comma-Separated Values (.csv)

A format used for tabular data that is saved as plain text with values separated by commas. If ChatGPT generates data in a table format, you can save it as a .csv file.

JavaScript Object Notation (.json)

A lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write. ChatGPT can generate JSON-formatted text for APIs or configuration files, which can be saved as .json.

eBook Formats (.epub, .mobi)

For eBooks, you can use text generated by ChatGPT and format it into eBook formats like .epub or .mobi using tools like Calibre.

YAML (.yaml)

A human-readable data serialization standard often used for configuration files. ChatGPT can generate YAML syntax, which you can save as a .yaml file.

Extensible Markup Language (.xml)

A markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. ChatGPT can output structured data that can be saved as an .xml file.

LaTeX (.tex)

A typesetting system commonly used for technical and scientific documentation. ChatGPT can generate LaTeX code, which can be saved as a .tex file.

To create these files, you typically need to copy the generated text and paste it into a suitable application (e.g., text editors, word processors, code editors) and then save it in the desired format.

AI Tools Index

Artificial intelligence is transforming the world of Online Business. As AI capabilities advance, new tools are emerging everyday that leverage machine learning and generative AI to automate and enhance various aspects of your Online Business.

Whether you’re looking to generate content, analyze site performance, improve search visibility, or streamline your workflow, AI has something to offer. If you’re in search of a specific AI tool for your Online Business, we invite you to explore our meticulously curated lists, thoughtfully organized into various categories:

What kind of CODE can ChatGPT generate?

ChatGPT can generate a wide variety of code types across many programming languages and scripting environments. Here are the main types of code that ChatGPT can output:

Web Development

  • HTML: Structure for web pages.
  • CSS: Styling for web pages, including layouts, colors, and fonts.
  • JavaScript: Client-side scripting for interactive web pages.
  • PHP: Server-side scripting for dynamic web content.
  • React/Angular/Vue: Code for front-end frameworks used to build complex user interfaces.
  • Node.js: Server-side JavaScript for building scalable network applications.

Backend Development

  • Python: For web frameworks like Django or Flask, general-purpose scripting, and automation.
  • Java: Used in enterprise applications, Android development, and backend systems.
  • C#: Often used for building backend services, especially with ASP.NET.
  • Ruby: For web development, especially with Ruby on Rails.
  • Go: For efficient backend services and microservices.
  • SQL: For database queries, creation of tables, and data manipulation.
  • GraphQL: Query language for APIs.

Mobile Development

  • Swift: For iOS app development.
  • Kotlin: For Android app development.
  • Java: For Android app development.
  • Dart: For Flutter-based mobile applications.

Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Python (Pandas, NumPy, SciPy): For data manipulation, analysis, and scientific computing.
  • R: For statistical analysis and data visualization.
  • Matlab: For numerical computing and data analysis.
  • TensorFlow/PyTorch: For building and training machine learning models.
  • SQL: For database queries, especially in data analysis.
  • Jupyter Notebooks: Python code and markdown for data science workflows.

Automation and Scripting

  • Python: For automating tasks, web scraping, file handling, and more.
  • Bash/Shell: For Linux/Unix command-line scripting.
  • PowerShell: For automating tasks on Windows systems.
  • Batch Script: For Windows command-line scripting.
  • Perl: For text processing and scripting.

DevOps and Cloud Infrastructure

  • Dockerfiles: For containerizing applications.
  • Kubernetes YAML: For managing containerized applications in Kubernetes.
  • Terraform: For infrastructure as code (IaC) to provision cloud resources.
  • AWS CloudFormation: For managing AWS resources.
  • Ansible: For automation of configuration management.

Configuration Files

  • JSON: For data interchange formats and configuration files.
  • YAML: For configuration files, especially in DevOps (e.g., Kubernetes, Ansible).
  • XML: For structured data and configuration files.
  • INI: For simple configuration files.
  • TOML: For configuration files, commonly used in Python projects.

Game Development

  • C# (Unity): For scripting in Unity game development.
  • C++ (Unreal Engine): For developing games in Unreal Engine.
  • GDScript: For scripting in Godot Engine.

Security and Networking

  • Python: For writing scripts for penetration testing, network scanning, and automation.
  • JavaScript: For building browser-based exploits or network utilities.
  • SQL: For demonstrating SQL injection attacks and prevention.
  • Shell Scripting: For automating network tasks.

Mathematical and Statistical Computing

  • MATLAB: For matrix calculations and simulations.
  • R: For statistical computing and graphics.
  • Python (SymPy, SciPy): For symbolic mathematics and scientific computing.

Desktop Application Development

  • C++/Qt: For cross-platform desktop applications.
  • C#/.NET: For Windows desktop applications.
  • JavaFX/Swing: For building desktop applications in Java.

APIs and Integrations

  • RESTful API: Code for building and consuming RESTful APIs.
  • GraphQL: Queries and mutations for interacting with APIs.
  • Webhooks: Code for setting up or consuming webhooks.

Blockchain and Smart Contracts

  • Solidity: For writing smart contracts on Ethereum.
  • Rust: For smart contracts on platforms like Solana.
  • JavaScript/Python: For interacting with blockchain networks.


  • Regular Expressions: For pattern matching in strings.
  • Markdown: For documentation or creating README files.
  • LaTeX: For typesetting documents, especially in academic and scientific environments.

These examples show the versatility of ChatGPT in generating code across a wide range of programming languages and tasks. You can use it to generate anything from simple scripts to complex systems, depending on your needs.

Where to learn

There are several excellent platforms and resources where you can learn AI for free. Here are some of the best options:

Course TitleDescriptionHoursRequired Knowledge Level
Google: Intro to Gen AIAn introductory course on Generative AI.12Beginner
IBM: AI FoundationsA foundational course on AI concepts and applications.25Beginner
Microsoft: Business with AIA course on leveraging AI for business strategy and operations.15Intermediate
NVIDIA: Gen AI ExplainedA course explaining the concepts and applications of Generative AI.10Beginner
Deep Learning AI: AI for EveryoneAn introductory course on AI for non-technical individuals.24Beginner
Udemy: Build an AI Voice AssistantA course on building a voice assistant using AI.20Intermediate
Amazon: Intro to Generative AIA course on the basics of Generative AI.10Beginner
AI Tool Report: AI for ProfessionalsA report on AI tools for professionals.-Intermediate
LinkedIn: Responsible AI FoundationsA course on ethical considerations in AI development.10Intermediate
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence By: Doug RoseA comprehensive introduction to AI.25Beginner
Introduction to Generative AI with GPT By: Jonathan ReichentalA course on Generative AI using GPT.15Intermediate
How to Boost Your Productivity with AI Tools By: Dave BirssA course on using AI tools to improve productivity.10Beginner
Introduction to Large Language Models By: Jonathan FernandesA course on Large Language Models.15Intermediate
Artificial Intelligence for Business Leaders By: Doug RoseA course on AI for business leaders.15Intermediate
Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning By: Kesha WilliamsA course on the foundations of machine learning.20Intermediate
SELF-PACED ONLINE COURSE Generative AI ExplainedA self-paced course on Generative AI.15Beginner
SELF-PACED ONLINE COURSE Augment your LLM Using Retrieval Augmented GenerationA self-paced course on augmenting LLMs.10Intermediate
Building A Brain in 10 MinutesA course on building a basic neural network.5Beginner
Introduction to AI in the Data CenterA course on AI applications in data centers.10Intermediate
Introduction to NetworkingA course on networking fundamentals.15Beginner
Accelerate Data Science Workflows With Zero Code ChangesA course on accelerating data science workflows.10Intermediate
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE:IMPLICATIONS FOR BUSINESS STRATEGYGenerative AI platforms are revolutionizing the way we do business. Advance your knowledge of new tools and technologies, and learn how AI can be integrated into your organization to transform your operations.50
Elements of AILearn how to lead and build Trustworthy AI-Beginner
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