The ai4k Bundle SEO Theory is a thorough monthly strategy to improve websites’ search engine optimization (SEO). It offers a thorough examination of the principles of SEO, covering things like link building, content optimization, and keyword research.
This package is made to assist companies in comprehending the intricacies of SEO and utilizing it effectively. With the help of this bundle, companies may better grasp how to raise the visibility of their websites and optimize them for search engine results.
Bundle SEO Theory contain the following monthly phases:
Month 1 – Preparation: This is the optimization and connection phase. Here we will audit, optimize to enhance de User Experience UX, and connect the website to data analytics programs to precisely measure the user behavior data. At some point we’ll be extracting around 1000 keywords.
Month 2 – Conversion for Attraction: In this phase, we define a conversion and up to 25 keywords for Attraction. One SEO content is included, more SEO Content can be purchased separately. Checking and tracking of inserted keywords.
Month 3 – Conversion for Engagement: In this phase, we define a conversion and up to 25 keywords for Engagement. One SEO content is included, more SEO Content can be purchased separately. Checking and tracking of inserted keywords.
Month 4 – Conversion for Delight: In this phase, we define a conversion and up to 25 keywords for Delight. One SEO content is included, more SEO Content can be purchased separately. Checking and tracking of inserted keywords.
Month 5 – : Audit and adjust strategy.
Month 6 and following: new cycle.
ai4k Bundle SEO Theory is a monthly plan. This product is included (first month) in all Website Plans.
ai4k Bundle SEO Theory includes 10 PDF files with all the knowledge you need to deeply understand what SEO is. This Bundle SEO Theory product also includes a discount coupon code.
A customer page is included with an easy to read chart with main analytics values.
The client agrees to follow the instructions to optimize the website (if this is not an ai4k Website Plan) and to create SEO content, with the keywords provided (with a greater possibility of positioning).
On-page SEO, according to Google’s strict guidelines, is a process that could be slow. Depending on the current state of the optimization and indexing of the website, you could start seeing results after the first month, or after 3 months or more.
For quick results, SEM is recommended (with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or TikTok Ads campaigns), which requires more investment. It is recommended in any case after having the main keywords consolidated and the website optimized (after month 4). Paying for traffic that doesn’t buy anything, or buys little, on a website that doesn’t convert (not optimized), is wasting money.
Buying backlinks, although not recommended, could have quick results. The investment is much higher, but the risk is also higher. Check the latest SEO Trends for 2023 here.
If you prefer do the SEO by yourself, please check this SEO 2.0 Course.
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