SEO 2.0 Course

SEO and CRO Course

SEO 2.0 Course is a SEO and CRO self-paced course that is powered by AI.

How it works?

This course is 100% practical: Every lesson must be researched using AI ChatBots like ChatGPT.

Once you pass the tests in Module 1 you continue with Module 2, and so on.

What is included?

This course includes 8 Modules, with lessons, exercises and tests. Please check the SEO 2.0 Course table of content.

Access to a Google Drive Folder with lot of SEO and AI documents.

Included Prompts package:  ChatGPT PROMPTs WEB, SEO, Content, and Copy.



Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.

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