Custom GPTs as website authority’s witness in the nascent OpenAI ecosystem.

Custom GPTs as an authority witness for websites in the nascent OpenAI ecosystem is a possibility today. Let’s navigate the facts and challenges of Generative AI on the disruption of the Search Engine Business.

A hypothetical Search Engine from Open AI may include Custom GPTs for authoritativeness, URLs from Microsoft Bing, and of course ChatGPT with GPT 4 or 5.

The Disruption of Search Engine Business

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What are the possible scenarios of the Search Engines Business with the use of Generative AI?

AI is already making waves in the search engine business, and its influence is only expected to grow. Here are some possible scenarios for the future:

Enhanced Search and User Experience

AI-powered understanding of intent

Search engines will move beyond keyword matching to understand the user’s true intent behind the query. This could lead to more relevant and personalized results, even for complex or vague searches.

Contextual and predictive search

AI will use user history, location, and other contextual factors to anticipate needs and suggest relevant searches or information before the user even types it.

Conversational search and assistants

AI-powered virtual assistants will become central to search, allowing users to interact with search engines naturally using voice or text.

Content Generation and Personalization

AI-generated summaries and content

AI can summarize complex information or create personalized snippets based on user preferences and needs.

Dynamic search results based on user profile

Search results will be tailored to individual users based on their interests, past searches, and other data. This could create “filter bubbles” or echo chambers, raising concerns about fairness and diversity.

Integration with other AI-powered services

Search engines could become central hubs, integrating with other AI services like personal assistants, shopping platforms, and smart home devices.

Focus on Veracity and Trust

Combatting misinformation and disinformation

AI can be used to identify and flag false or misleading information, promoting trust and accuracy in search results.

Fact-checking and verification

AI can help verify the factual accuracy of information and sources, combating the spread of misinformation.

Transparency and explainability

Search engines might need to be more transparent about how AI algorithms work and why they return certain results, addressing concerns about bias and fairness.

New Business Models and Competition

Subscription-based models

Search engines might offer premium features or ad-free experiences through subscription models.

Focus on niche markets and specialized search

New search engines could emerge focusing on specific industries, demographics, or content types.

Rise of ethical and privacy-focused search engines

Users might seek out search engines that prioritize data privacy and ethical use of AI algorithms.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Bias and discrimination

AI algorithms can perpetuate existing biases, leading to unfair or discriminatory search results. Mitigating this is crucial.

Data privacy concerns

The use of personal data for personalized search raises privacy concerns. Balancing personalization with user privacy will be essential.

Loss of human control and job displacement

As AI automates tasks, some search engine jobs might be lost. Re-skilling and re-training initiatives will be needed.

SEO 2.0 vs SEO 1.0

CharacteristicSEO 1.0SEO 2.0
Link Building and Enhancement- Manual Link Addition - Directory Submissions - Link Exchange - Paid Links- Getting Links - Enhancement Actions - Socialization - AI-Driven Link Building - Natural Link Attraction - Enhanced by AI Algorithms
On-Site Optimization for Users- Keyword-Focused Titles- User-Focused Optimization - Attractive Post Titles - AI-Powered User-Centric Optimization
Cooperation and Link Bait- Link Bait - Hiding (Client Confidentiality) - Impersonal SEO Company- Blogger Cooperation - Link Bait - Being Open and Transparent - AI-Enhanced Content Collaboration - AI-Generated Link Bait - AI-Transparency for Branding
Keywords- Emphasizing Keywords- Context - Enticing Post Headlines - AI-Driven Keyword Insights - AI-Generated Keywords and Topics
Optimization for Links- Link Optimization- Optimization for Visitors and Engagement of Real People - AI-Powered Link Optimization - AI-Enhanced Link Analysis
Metrics and Analytics- Traffic Metrics (Clicks, Page Views, Visits)- Conversions - ROI - Branding - Customer Retention - AI-Enhanced Analytics - AI-ROI Prediction
Main Traffic Sources- Directories - Web Browser Search Bars - Social Media - Google (various services) - Community Engagement - Direct Traffic - AI-Driven Traffic from Search Engines and Social Media
Communication- One-Way Communication- Dialog and Conversation - AI-Powered Chatbots and Automated Communication
Decision-Making- Top-Down Decision (Corporations and Old Media) - Undemocratic Ranking (Who Pays Most Is on Top)- Bottom-Up Approach (Wisdom of Crowds Determines True Popularity via Participation) - Democratic Ranking (Who Responds to Popular Demand Succeeds) - AI-Enhanced Ranking Algorithms - AI-Supported Democratic Ranking
Automation- Semi-Automation (Approximately 50% of Tasks) - Technocratic Measurement (Traffic Emphasis)- Limited Automation (About 10% of Tasks) - Emotional (Nurturing Brand Evangelists) - AI-Driven Automation for Tasks Like Content Generation - AI-Enhanced Automation for Improved Efficiency
AI-Enhanced Content Creation- N/A- AI-Generated Content for Enhanced Efficiency
AI-Enhanced Search Engine Ranking- N/A- AI-Powered SEO for Improved Ranking
AI-Enhanced Analytics- N/A- AI-Enhanced Predictive Analytics for Improved Insights
AI-Enhanced User Experience- N/A- AI-Enhanced User-Centric Optimization
AI-Enhanced Content Collaboration- N/A- AI-Powered Content Collaboration Tools

Types of user searches when using a search engine

There are many ways to categorize user searches based on various factors like intent, information sought, user type, and complexity. Here are some common types:

By Intent


User seeks factual information or knowledge. Example: “What is the capital of France?”


User wants to reach a specific website or web page. Example: “”.


User aims to complete an action online, like buying something or booking a service. Example: “buy new headphones online”.


User explores a topic in-depth, comparing options or gathering perspectives. Example: “best DSLR cameras for beginners”.

By Information Sought


User knows exactly what they are looking for. Example: “recipe for chocolate chip cookies”.


User has a general idea but needs direction. Example: “healthy dinner ideas”.


User seeks information or services in their local area. Example: “restaurants near me open late”.

By User Type


User new to search engines or lacks specific search skills. Example: “How to find flights?”.


User understands basic search logic and uses filters or operators. Example: “cheap hotels in Paris with good reviews”.


User employs advanced techniques like Boolean operators, proximity searches, and specific filters. Example: “articles on climate change published in 2023 by peer-reviewed journals”.

By Complexity


Single keyword or short phrase. Example: “pizza”.


Multiple keywords, operators, and filters. Example: “find books on artificial intelligence published after 2020 with at least 4-star ratings”.

Additional Types


User searches for images, videos, or audio content. Example: “funny cat videos”.


User seeks recent news articles on a specific topic. Example: “latest news on Ukraine war”.


User searches for scholarly articles, papers, or databases. Example: “find research papers on renewable energy”.

How AI can improve those search types?

AI can significantly improve various search types by:

Understanding Intent

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP can analyze the user’s query beyond keywords, capturing the nuances of language and grasping their true intent.

Contextual understanding

By considering user history, location, and past interactions, AI can refine searches and deliver results tailored to specific needs.

Enhancing Search Results

Personalized results

AI can personalize search results based on user profiles and preferences, displaying content relevant to their interests and past searches.

Dynamic ranking

Search rankings can be adjusted in real-time based on user engagement and click-through rates, ensuring the most relevant results rise to the top.

Multilingual capabilities

AI-powered translation allows users to search across different languages, providing broader access to information.

Refining the Search Experience

Predictive search

AI can suggest relevant searches or information even before the user completes their query, anticipating their needs.

Conversational search

AI-powered chatbots can facilitate natural language interactions with search engines, providing a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Voice search

AI-powered voice assistants enable hands-free searching, making it easier for users to find information on the go.

Addressing Specific Search Types

Informational searches

AI can summarize complex information, generate relevant snippets, and even answer directly, saving users time and effort.

Navigational searches

AI can identify the intended website or webpage more accurately, even with ambiguous queries.

Transactional searches

AI can recommend products or services based on user preferences and past purchases, streamlining the buying process.

Investigational searches

AI can present diverse perspectives, compare options, and identify relevant trends, facilitating in-depth exploration.

Additional Benefits and Challenges

Combating misinformation

AI can identify and flag misleading information, promoting trust and accuracy in search results.

Fact-checking and verification

AI can help verify the factual accuracy of sources, further enhancing the quality of information presented.

However, it’s crucial to consider challenges like:

Bias and discrimination

Ensuring AI algorithms are unbiased and avoid perpetuating existing societal inequalities is essential.

Data privacy

Balancing personalization with user privacy is key to maintaining trust and ethical data practices.

Transparency and explainability

Users need to understand how AI algorithms work and why they produce specific results to foster trust and address concerns.


Perplexity approach

  • Perplexity aims to provide accurate, factual answers to user questions directly, like an AI assistant, rather than links like Google. It draws inspiration from both Google’s search paradigm and Wikipedia’s factual articles.

  • The founder, Aravind Srinivas, sees an opportunity for knowledge on demand personalized to each user, which could be a trillion dollar market.

  • Perplexity leverages open source AI models rather than building its own, focusing on product experience. It uses citation snippets from authoritative sources to support accurate answers.

  • The goal is to achieve the “sweet spot” of speed, accuracy and readability for user consumption of answers. Retrieval augmented generation uses relevant documents to augment responses.

  • Daily queries are the key metric to measure usage and continued improvement. Increasing frequency and time spent are also important goals.

  • Competition comes from other answer engines, browsers and conversational AI. Personalization, integration into workflows and improvement will be important differentiators.

  • The future involves habitual, daily usage through continued iteration and adding new value over time. This could reach the aspirational level of products like a toothbrush.

  • The founder is uniquely passionate about search and information access, drawing inspiration from Google and Larry Page’s focus on intuitive, high-performance products optimized for users.

Although Aravind Srinivas tries to differentiate Perplexity from a traditional search engine like Google Search, the way they get signals and build authority is no different from what Google does.

How AI can disrupt those search types?

AI’s influence on search goes beyond improvement and can potentially disrupt search types in various ways:

Shifting Search Paradigm

From keyword-based to intent-driven

AI could move search beyond literal matches, focusing on understanding user intent and context. This could disrupt established SEO practices optimized for specific keywords.

Emergence of “answer engines”

Search might evolve from retrieving links to directly providing answers or summaries, potentially disrupting traditional content creation and consumption patterns.

Rise of voice and conversational search

Natural language interactions with AI assistants could become the primary search method, disrupting traditional text-based searches and interfaces.

Impact on Individual Search Types

Informational searches

AI might answer directly, eliminating the need to visit websites and potentially disrupting online content creators who rely on traffic.

Navigational searches

AI could automatically navigate to desired websites based on intent, bypassing traditional search results pages and impacting click-through rates.

Transactional searches

AI-powered personalized recommendations and automated purchasing could disrupt traditional e-commerce search and browsing experiences.

Investigational searches

AI could curate personalized knowledge graphs and insights, potentially disrupting user exploration of diverse perspectives and sources.

Disruptive Implications

Echo chambers and filter bubbles

Personalized search could lead to users encountering only information that aligns with their existing beliefs, reinforcing biases and limiting exposure to alternative viewpoints.

Loss of control and transparency

As AI algorithms become more complex, understanding how they work and why they produce specific results becomes difficult, raising concerns about control and manipulation.

Privacy and data security

Personalized search relies heavily on user data, increasing privacy concerns and requiring robust data security measures.

While AI-powered disruptions offer potential benefits like greater efficiency and personalization, they also raise important questions about fairness, diversity, and user autonomy. Navigating these challenges responsibly will be crucial in shaping a future of search that prioritizes both innovation and societal well-being.

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Can AI disrupt the whole search engine business? What is the probability in the short term?

While AI certainly has the potential to disrupt the search engine business, whether it can completely dismantle it is unlikely in the short term. Here’s a breakdown of the possibilities:

Arguments for Disruption

Shifting paradigm: AI could fundamentally change how we search, moving from keyword-based systems to intent-driven, answer-providing systems. This could render traditional search engines less relevant.

Competition: New AI-powered search engines like Perplexity,, and potentially ChatGPT, offer fresh perspectives and features, challenging the dominance of established players.

User preferences: If users find AI-powered search more efficient and personalized, they might migrate, impacting existing business models.

Arguments against Disruption

Gradual transition: Even with rapid advancements, AI integration will likely be incremental, allowing established players to adapt and incorporate similar features.

User trust and familiarity: Existing search engines hold significant user trust and familiarity, making them hard to displace entirely.

Broader functionalities: Established search engines offer more than just search, like email, maps, and cloud storage, providing a wider value proposition.

Regulation and ethical concerns: Unforeseen issues with AI bias, data privacy, and transparency could hinder widespread adoption and necessitate regulations, slowing down disruptions.

Short-term Probability

Given the factors above, a complete disruption of the search engine business in the short term (next 2-3 years) is unlikely.

However, a significant transformation driven by AI is highly probable, with:

Increased AI integration

Established players will likely incorporate AI features like intent understanding, personalized results, and conversational interfaces.

Competition intensifies

New AI-powered players will challenge the market share of established players, pushing for innovation and potentially leading to consolidation.

Focus on distinct niches

Different search engines might specialize in specific areas like academic search, local information, or multimedia content.

Ultimately, the future of search will likely involve a blend of established players adapting to AI and new entrants offering innovative solutions. User behavior, trust, and regulation will play crucial roles in shaping this evolution.

Paradigm change: from information retrieval to information generation?

Are we transitioning from the current search engine paradigm (information retrieval from an indexed and ranked website URLs repository) to a paradigm of instant information generation by Generative AI?

It’s true that we’re witnessing a gradual shift in the search engine paradigm, influenced by Generative AI, but it’s more accurate to say it’s an evolution rather than an immediate replacement. Here’s why:

Current Paradigm’s Strengths

Breadth of information: Established search engines index vast amounts of information, offering diverse perspectives and sources.

Flexibility and control: Users can refine searches, explore different websites, and assess information critically.

Established trust and infrastructure: Existing search engines hold user trust and have robust infrastructure supporting scalability and security.

Generative AI’s Potential

Intent-driven and personalized: AI can understand user intent and context, providing tailored information and summaries.

Instantaneous answers: AI can directly answer questions or generate relevant summaries, saving time and effort.

Multilingual accessibility: AI can translate languages seamlessly, enabling broader information access.

Challenges and Limitations of Generative AI

Limited factual basis: AI-generated information might lack the factual grounding and context found in credible websites.

Echo chambers and bias: Personalized results can reinforce existing biases and limit exposure to diverse viewpoints.

Transparency and explainability: Understanding how AI arrives at its answers can be difficult, raising concerns about trust and manipulation.

These challenges can be addressed by the OpenAI Custom GPTs.

Current State and Future Trajectory

Hybrid approach

We’re likely to see a hybrid model where existing search engines integrate AI features like intent understanding and personalized results, while retaining strengths like information breadth and user control.


New AI-powered search engines might specialize in specific areas like summarization, question answering, or local information, complementing existing search engines.

Focus on responsible development

Addressing challenges like bias, transparency, and factual accuracy will be crucial to ensure responsible development and user trust in AI-powered search.

Search Engines Evolution

While there are ongoing advancements in AI and natural language processing (NLP), we’re not necessarily transitioning from the current search engine paradigm to one of instant information generation by Generative AI. Rather, these technologies are evolving in parallel and often complementing each other.

Search engines still heavily rely on indexed and ranked website URLs for information retrieval. However, AI technologies are enhancing search capabilities by improving the understanding of user queries and delivering more relevant results. For instance, AI-driven algorithms can better interpret the context of a search query, understand user intent, and provide more personalized and accurate results.

Generative AI, including models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), has shown remarkable abilities in generating human-like text and assisting with content creation. While these models can contribute to content generation and augmentation, they are not yet capable of replacing the entire search engine paradigm.

Instead, we’re seeing a convergence of traditional search engine technologies with AI-driven enhancements, leading to more intelligent and responsive search experiences. As AI continues to advance, it may play a larger role in content generation, but search engines will likely remain essential for organizing and retrieving information from the vast expanse of the web.

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ChatGPT could replace Google Search business?

While ChatGPT and similar AI models have shown remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text, replacing Google Search’s entire business would be a monumental task and currently seems unlikely for several reasons:

Understanding Context: AI models need to better understand the context of queries to provide more relevant and accurate results.

Ethical and Bias Concerns: Ensuring that AI-driven search engines are ethical, unbiased, and respect user privacy is crucial for widespread adoption.

Data Quality and Quantity: AI models require vast amounts of high-quality data to train effectively. Improving data collection and quality assurance processes is essential.

Interpretability and Explainability: AI models often lack transparency, making it challenging to understand how they arrive at certain conclusions or recommendations.

Resource Intensiveness: Training and deploying AI models can be resource-intensive, requiring significant computational power and energy consumption.

ChatGPT + Search Engine

If an user find the answers in ChatGPT, including the references, why the user should use Google Search? In that context, the viewing time and click conversion on Google SERP will reduce dramatically. What will be the consequences of this, for Google ad business and keywords sell, on their search engine?

If users can find answers, including references, in ChatGPT or similar AI-powered platforms, it could potentially impact the usage of Google Search in certain contexts. Here are some potential consequences for Google’s ad business and keyword sales:

Decreased Viewing Time and Click Conversion

If users can quickly and efficiently find answers through AI platforms like ChatGPT, they may spend less time on Google Search and click on fewer search results. This could lead to decreased viewing time and click conversion rates on Google’s search engine.

Impact on Ad Revenue

Google generates a significant portion of its revenue from advertising displayed alongside search results. If users rely less on Google Search, advertisers may see decreased visibility and click-through rates for their ads, potentially impacting Google’s ad revenue.

Shift in Advertising Strategy

Advertisers may need to adapt their advertising strategies if user behavior shifts away from traditional search engines. They may explore alternative platforms and channels for reaching their target audiences, such as social media, content marketing, or AI-powered recommendation engines.

Competition from AI-Powered Platforms

AI-powered platforms like ChatGPT could become competitors to Google’s ad business if they offer alternative channels for advertisers to reach potential customers. These platforms may develop their own advertising models or partnerships with advertisers, diverting revenue away from traditional search engine advertising.

Innovation and Adaptation

To mitigate the impact of changing user behavior, Google may invest in innovation and adaptation, exploring new technologies and services to enhance the search experience and provide added value to users and advertisers.

Are CustomGPT the new Websites?

We are in a scenario where in the end what remains is credibility.

Search engines, with or without AI, fight for the attention and action of users, with the information presented in one way or another, and satisfy search intent by one method or another. In the end, what remains is for the user to find the authentic information.

This is where the credibility or authority of the author of the content plays an essential role.

If the Google search engine has not yet found an effective way to rank the URL of the websites by credibility, an intermediate ranking system, such as the custom GPT store, could immediately solve that problem.

Custom GPTs could then be the new website authority witness, ranked by users and not by inflated data from purchased backlinks or other SEO tricks of dubious quality.

Consequences for Online Business

In a scenario where there is a reduction in viewing time and click-through rates on traditional search engines like Google, several potential consequences for websites may arise:

Decreased Traffic

Websites may experience a decline in organic traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs) if users are spending less time on these platforms and clicking on fewer search results. This could impact website visibility and overall visitor engagement.

Diminished Search Engine Optimization (SEO 1.0) Importance

If relying solely on search engines for traffic becomes less effective, website owners might de-prioritize SEO 1.0 efforts, focusing on SEO 2.0 and other marketing channels instead.

Shift in Traffic Sources

Websites may need to diversify their traffic sources beyond search engines to maintain consistent visitor traffic and engagement. This could involve investing in alternative channels such as social media, email marketing, content partnerships, and direct traffic generation strategies.

Focus on Content Quality and Relevance

With reduced reliance on traditional search engines, the importance of creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content becomes even more critical. Websites may need to prioritize content that resonates with their target audience and provides value, regardless of search engine algorithms.

Shift in Content Strategy

Websites might need to adapt their content strategy to cater to users increasingly seeking direct answers, focusing on concise, informative summaries, and engaging multimedia formats.

Emphasis on User Experience (UX)

Websites may need to focus more on optimizing the user experience to encourage longer visit durations and higher engagement rates. This could involve improving site speed, navigation, mobile responsiveness, and overall usability to retain visitors and encourage return visits.

Exploration of New Technologies and Platforms

Websites may explore emerging technologies and platforms to adapt to changing user behavior and preferences. This could include integrating AI-powered chatbots, voice search optimization, progressive web apps (PWAs), and other interactive features to enhance the user experience and differentiate themselves in the digital landscape.

Adaptation of Monetization Strategies

Websites that rely on advertising revenue (Niche Websites with ads) may need to adapt their monetization strategies in response to changes in traffic patterns and user behavior. This could involve diversifying revenue streams, exploring subscription models, implementing native advertising, or leveraging influencer partnerships to generate income.

Rise of Content Aggregators

Platforms like “ChatGPT + Search Engine” or Google SGE, could act as content aggregators, potentially leading users to consume information snippets without ever reaching the original source website. This could impact website visibility and brand recognition.

Focus on Direct Relationships and Communities

Building strong direct relationships with users through email lists, social media, and loyalty programs could become more crucial for websites to maintain engagement and traffic.

Increased Emphasis on Paid Advertising

As organic reach becomes less reliable, websites might utilize paid advertising options within search engines or other platforms to target specific audiences and drive traffic.

Niche Specialization and Differentiation

Websites catering to specific niches or offering unique value propositions might fare better, as users would still seek out specialized information not readily available through AI-generated answers.

Rise of Alternative Metrics

Website owners might need to shift their focus beyond just clicks and page views, and instead track metrics like time spent on specific content, user engagement, and conversions to measure success.


It’s been fascinating exploring the potential impact of AI in search and its implications for various stakeholders. We’ve covered a lot of ground, from discussing different search types and how AI can improve them to the potential disruption of user behavior and website traffic.

While the future remains uncertain, several key takeaways emerge:

AI will significantly transform search, but it’s unlikely to completely replace existing paradigms. Instead, we’ll likely see a hybrid model where AI-powered features like intent understanding and direct answers co-exist with traditional search experiences.

Challenges like bias, transparency, and data privacy need careful consideration and responsible development. Addressing these issues will be crucial in building trust and ensuring ethical use of AI in search.

Different players will be impacted in various ways. Established search engines will need to adapt and integrate AI features, while new AI-powered competitors might emerge, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Users will ultimately decide the future of search. Their preferences, trust, and evolving behaviors will shape how search engines and information retrieval evolve.

Will the Customs GPTs be the new website authority witness? In that case we would be talking about the birth of the OpenAI ecosystem.

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