AI to Write Content for Conversion

AI to write content for conversion

What is Content?

Content is king. As the saying goes, quality, engaging content is the lifeblood of any successful website, blog or digital marketing strategy. In today’s cluttered digital landscape, standing out and capturing audience attention requires a strategic, well-planned approach to creating and distributing content.

Content marketing refers to the practice of creating and sharing relevant and valuable content to attract, engage and delight specific target audiences while building customer relationships and loyalty over time. Done right, content marketing becomes a powerful way to not only share your message but also position your brand as an industry thought leader. Whether through blogs, videos, social media or other formats, content helps establish expertise, build trust and foster connections with potential customers at each stage of their buyer’s journey.

However, creating impactful content is more than just randomly publishing articles or tweets. It requires developing a thoughtful strategy, understanding your audience, and optimizing content for maximum consumption and conversion.

In this post, we will discuss various elements crucial for any effective content marketing strategy. We will cover different types of content, structuring a publishing calendar, crafting compelling headlines, optimizing content for readability and sharing, using visuals, calls to action, distribution channels, and analytics. The goal is to help you craft higher quality, more engaging content that achieves your business goals.

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Types of Content

There are several formats to consider when developing your content strategy. Each has its own strengths and purpose.


Long-form written content in a casual blog post style. Great for thought leadership, storytelling and generating backlinks.


Visual and engaging content ideal for social platforms. Produce videos on topics of interest for your audience.


Visual summaries of facts, trends and data in a memorable, easy to understand format. Help complex topics digestible.


Live or on-demand presentations to educate and inform larger audiences. Position yourself as an expert.

White papers and eBooks

In-depth reports solving industry problems or answering major questions. Establish deep expertise and trust.

Social media posts

Bite-sized snippets optimized for quick consumption and sharing on profiles and groups.

Case studies

Stories demonstrating how your product or service has helped others. Boost social proof and credibility.


Audio programs people can listen to on-the-go on focused topics. Build relationship with commuter audience.


Regularly scheduled emails rounding up your best content for subscribers. Deepen engagement over time.

The key is balancing different formats across various channels to keep content fresh and meet audience preferences wherever they consume information. Start experimenting to see what resonates best.

Content Strategy

Developing a comprehensive content strategy is essential for publishing consistently and achieving your business goals. A robust strategy involves:

Defining topics

Make a list of relevant topics, themes or categories of content your audience cares about.

Targeting keywords

Identify keywords and phrases your prospects are searching for that are related to your topics.

Content calendar

Map out a publishing schedule for the next 3-6 months with themes, topics and types of content already assigned to each time period.

Distribution plan

Determine where and how you will distribute each piece of content based on format. For example, blog posts on your site and shared via social media.

Measuring goals

Define metrics you want to improve like leads, sales or brand awareness that content should support.

Finding contributors

If using user-generated or guest posts, have guidelines on topics, formatting and voice.

Review process

Set a process for reviewing content for quality, consistency and regulatory concerns before publishing.

Testing formats

Continuously try new content formats and styles, analyzing performance to refine your strategy.

The strategy ensures your content machine is well-oiled and coordinated to achieve maximum results. Revise it regularly based on successes, failures and changes in the marketplace.


Your content is only as good as its headline. Crafting compelling headers that motivate clicks is essential in today’s attention economy. Effective headlines:

  1. Use benefits or outcomes over features (e.g. “How to Boost Sales by 30%” vs. “10 Marketing Tips”).

  2. Ask questions to spark curiosity (“What Keeps Your Customers Up at Night?”).

  3. Use numbers, lists or intriguing phrases (“3 Hidden Signs Your Team Isn’t Engaged”).

  4. Include powerful or attention-grabbing adjectives (“The Ultimate Guide to X”).

  5. Reference popular culture, current events or trends.

  6. Follow common headline formulas like “How to…”, “The #1…”, or “Top 5…”

  7. Stay focused on solving problems or addressing core customer concerns.

Test different variations of headlines for the same piece of content. Track what resonates most using analytics. As a general rule, compelling headers that use benefits, curiosity or expertise tend to significantly outperform plain titles. Give equal focus to crafting attention-grabbing headines during the content creation process.

It’s also important tooptimize headlines across different platforms like social media which have strict character limits. Prioritize keywords and calls to action. With the right header, your content can stand out from the crowd and drive more engagement and results.

Writing for Readability

How you write is just as important as what you write. Crafting content with your readers in mind makes it more enjoyable and digestible.

  1. Use simple, conversational language over marketing jargon.

  2. Optimize for scanning with short paragraphs, bulleted lists and subheadings.

  3. Vary sentence structure and keep most under 25 words.

  4. Highlight key facts in bold, italics or larger font for emphasis.

  5. Be specific and give examples rather than vague generalizations.

  6. Answer the question “what’s in it for me?” upfront for the reader.

  7. Maintain a friendly, casual tone while still sounding authoritative and professional.

  8. Directly address your readers using words like “you” rather than passive third person.

  9. Keep content error-free – typos, grammar mistakes break credibility.

  10. Illustrate concepts with relevant images, videos, charts where possible.

  11. Call outs, pull quotes and a conclusion section aid readability on mobile.

Prioritizing readability helps ensure your content sticks, regardless of reader attention span or technical abilities. Write for your audience, not for yourself. With some small additions, even complex topics can be made easily understandable.


Pictures, videos, infographics and other visual elements are important for engagement. They add personality and break up walls of text.

Photos and Images

Use high resolution images at appropriate sizes for platform/device.

Ensure images relate directly to surrounding content and text.

Include concise but descriptive alternative text (“alt text”) for screen readers.

Always provide image credits and acquire permissions as needed.


Visual summaries help simplify complex topics at a glance.

Include necessary labels, sources and keys for readers.


Keep videos short (under 2 minutes) and focused on one main point.

Optimize for maximum views with useful thumbnails and titles.

Charts and Graphs

Effectively visualize trends, comparisons and statistics.

Ensure they are readable at different digital sizes.

Sketches and Doodles

More casual visuals can help explain processes or concepts.

Test different types of visuals to see what resonates with your particular audience. Imagery has the power to make dry topics entertaining and boost social sharing if applied strategically. Don’t forget relevant multimedia when creating your content.

Calls to Action

Calls to action are directives that guide readers to take a specific next step after engaging with your content. They should be clear, benefit-focused and trackable. Examples include:

  1. Download our free guide/ebook
  2. Subscribe to our email list
  3. Contact us for a free consultation
  4. Click here to see our product demo
  5. Share this (social sharing buttons)
  6. Leave a comment below
  7. Read more in our blog
  8. Schedule a meeting
  9. Buy now

CTAs should motivate readers based on understanding what might interest them at each stage of the buyer’s journey. For example:

  1. Early stage: Offer a free guide to learn more
  2. Mid-stage: Invite them to a webinar or demo
  3. Late stage: Direct them to contact sales for a quote

Placement is also important. Include CTAs:

  1. In content near the conclusion
  2. In social media posts
  3. In email/newsletter footers
  4. On landing/conversion pages

Track CTA clicks and make adjustments to improve performance over time, like changing text based on what generates most action. The right call to action can turn readers into quality leads.


Distribution is the process of getting your content in front of the right audience across various channels. Some top distribution strategies include:


Feature new articles and pages on your blog and homepage. Optimize internal linking between related content.


Promote timely content in your email newsletter to engaged subscribers.

Social Media

Share content tailored for each platform (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc). Engage with influencers.

Search Engines

Optimize content with targeted keywords for searchability on Google, Bing etc.

Industry publications

Pitch relevant articles to third-party websites, magazines and journals.


Share updates at industry seminars and conferences you attend in-person or virtually.

Link building

Publish long-form content and get links from other high-quality sites in your niche.

Paid ads

Promote top content through paid social ads or search campaigns.

Measure the effectiveness of each channel through analytics. For example, organic traffic shows search visibility while shares/likes indicate social success. Analyze which distribution strategies are delivering the highest engagement and revisit your plan regularly. Consistent, varied distribution maximizes reach.


Tracking key metrics provides valuable insight into what content and distribution strategies are most effective. Some common analytics to track include:

  1. Views and traffic: How many times a piece of content was viewed on site and social channels.

  2. Shares and likes: Social engagement can show popularity and influence.

  3. Time on page: Does content keep people engaged or do they bounce quickly?

  4. Download and shares of assets: Gauges interest in additional resources.

  5. Lead generation: Which content is driving most leads through CTAs?

  6. Keyword rankings: Check search performance of optimized pages and blogs.

  7. Referral sources: Identify top distribution sources sending traffic.

  8. Demographics: Learn who your readers are through location and other profile data.

Analyze analytics both individually for each piece of content as well as grouped by topic, type or channel over time. Make data-driven decisions like:

  1. Ramping up topics that over-index.
  2. Changing formats that underperform.
  3. Retargeting people who engaged partway through the funnel.

Integrate analytics into your content review process. Continually improving based on proven successes keeps strategies fresh and relevant. Let metrics guide your ongoing optimizations.

Updating Content

To keep information fresh, it’s important to revisit older content periodically. Some best practices include:

Refresh visuals

Swap out outdated images, charts or videos to maintain reader interest.

Update stats

Insert the latest figures, rankings and other time-sensitive data points.

Revise for SEO

Re-optimize headlines, text and internal links based on new keyword opportunities.

Seek user feedback

Solicit comments on ways content could be improved through user testing.

Repackage as new formats

Repurpose long articles into social graphics, podcasts or videos.

Expand topic coverage

Write a Part 2 with additional useful guidance and resources.

Republish as guest posts

Refresh other sites and drive new readers back to your domain.

Promote in rotated ads

Boost discoverability of older, highly-converting pieces.

Retire stale content

Archive very dated pages no longer relevant to today’s searchers and buyers.

Maintain a regular content refresh schedule, whether quarterly, biannually or annually based on how quickly your industry changes. Keeping material optimized over time leads to ongoing performance.

How has evolved the Content creation with AI?

The evolution of content creation with AI has brought about significant advancements, revolutionizing the way businesses approach their online presence. As someone involved in web design and SEO services, staying abreast of these developments is crucial for offering cutting-edge solutions to your clients. Here are some key aspects of the evolution:

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Advances in NLP have enhanced the quality of generated content. AI can now understand context, tone, and user intent, enabling more coherent and contextually relevant writing. This contributes to creating engaging and personalized content for your clients, making the AI content Google friendly as well.

Content Optimization for SEO

AI tools are increasingly being used to optimize content for search engines. They analyze data, identify keywords, and suggest improvements to enhance the visibility of websites. This ensures that the content you create aligns with the latest SEO best practices.

Visual Content Creation

AI has extended its capabilities beyond text to assist in generating visual content. This includes creating images, graphics, and even assisting in the design process. Integrating AI into your web design services, especially in collaboration with tools like Elementor, can enhance your ability to deliver visually appealing and engaging websites.

Content Personalization

AI enables the creation of personalized content experiences. By analyzing user behavior, preferences, and demographics, you can tailor content to individual visitors. This personalization contributes to a more immersive and user-centric web experience, and web conversion of course.

Data-Driven Insights

AI tools analyze vast amounts of data to provide actionable insights. This data-driven approach can inform content strategy, helping you understand user preferences and optimize your services based on real-time feedback.

Chatbots and Conversational AI

Incorporating AI-driven chatbots on websites has become common. These bots engage visitors in real-time conversations, offering assistance, capturing leads, and providing a seamless user experience. As a web designer owner, integrating chatbot functionality can add value to your services.

Embracing these AI-driven advancements in content creation not only enhances efficiency but also allows you to offer more sophisticated and personalized solutions to your clients. Whether it’s streamlining content production, optimizing for search engines, or creating visually stunning websites, AI has become a valuable ally in the web design and SEO landscape. If you have specific questions or if there’s a particular area you’d like to delve into further, feel free to let me know.

Automated Content Generation

AI has become proficient in generating human-like text content. This is particularly useful for creating blog posts, product descriptions, or other textual elements on websites. The ability to automate content creation speeds up the process, allowing for more efficient delivery of services to your clients. In our AI Studio you can find ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Content, if you wish to use ChatGPT for your content creation strategy. However there are much more AI tools for Content Generation, keep reading.

AI Tools for Content Generation

Indeed, the advent of ChatGPT and similar AI technologies has spurred a wave of innovation in the field of AI content generation. As someone in the web design and SEO industry, being aware of these developments can provide you with valuable insights into how AI tools can complement your services. Here are some key observations on the proliferation of AI content generators:

  1. Diverse Content Types: AI content generators now cover a wide range of content types, from blog posts and articles to social media captions and product descriptions. The versatility of these tools allows businesses to automate the creation of various types of content to meet their specific needs.

  2. Industry-Specific Solutions: Many AI content generators are now tailored for specific industries or niches. This specialization enables businesses, including your clients, to obtain content that is not only well-written but also aligned with the nuances of their particular sector. The newest OpenAI‘s product, the Custom GPTs allows for more personalized solutions as well.

  3. Multilingual Capabilities: AI content generators have improved in their ability to generate content in multiple languages. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with a global reach, allowing them to maintain consistent messaging across diverse audiences.

  4. SEO-Focused Content: Some AI content generators emphasize SEO optimization, aiding businesses in creating content that is not only engaging but also aligns with search engine algorithms. Given your focus on web design and SEO services, integrating such tools could further enhance your offerings.

  5. Content Personalization: Personalization features in AI content generators enable businesses to create content that resonates with their target audience. This aligns with the trend of delivering more personalized experiences, which can be crucial in the competitive landscape.

  6. Integration with Design Tools: For professionals like yourself who work extensively with web design tools like Elementor, there’s a growing trend of AI content generators being integrated into these platforms. This integration streamlines the process of incorporating AI-generated content into website designs.

  7. Ethical Considerations: The rise of AI content generators has also brought about discussions on ethical considerations. Issues such as misinformation, biased content, and the need for human oversight have become important considerations in the use of AI-generated content.

As the AI content generation landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about emerging tools and trends can empower you to make informed decisions about incorporating these technologies into your online business. If you have specific questions or if there’s a particular aspect you’d like to explore further, feel free to let me know.


In conclusion, developing a strategic, varied content plan is crucial for enhancing awareness, establishing yourself as a thought leader, and driving leads through the sales funnel. While it requires significant time and resources upfront, content marketing offers a highly scalable way to build relationships with prospects while they self-educate on their terms.

The keys to success involve crafting compelling subject matter across multiple formats, optimizing for readability and sharing, continuously analyzing performance, and refining your approach based on what works best. Don’t underestimate the power of visuals, strategic distribution and compelling calls to action alongside educational copy.

With the right strategy in place, your best-performing pieces will continue converting new customers long after initial publication. Nurturing a consistent content flow keeps your brand top-of-mind with prospects as the trusted resource in your industry. Simply produce more content without direction, and efforts will yield minimal returns.

Use the tips covered to develop a comprehensive yet flexible blueprint, and continually test new tactics based on real user behavior and feedback. An organization that excels at standing out in today’s digital noise and guiding buyers down the path to purchase is one dedicated to continuously improving its content offerings.

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