Content Update

Content Update

Our Content Update comes after the content included in your Plan, and it may be, for example:

4 Blog posts as editor
1 author Product Content*
4 editor Products updates
1 additional Google Ad change
1 additional Advanced Form
1 additional Advanced Slider
1 Update ai4k LINK
1 Landing page speed test 100

No expiration date


Additional information

All our plans include Content Updates, and our Pro8 plan includes some Blog and Store Content Updates as well. Our customers can participate as a website author to publish their original content or we can do that work for them, as editor.

Basically, the author role does everything and the editor role just “copy and paste”.

* If Author Product Content requires additional Product Design (I create a new original product for you), or Design Coaching (I work with you to find the best ideas for the product concept), please use the Professional Time to add it.

For Author SEO Content please use the product: ai4k Bundle SEO Content

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